Reading Time: 3 minutes

Sometimes people see some events which become a cause of advice to
others. One of such happenings has been recorded in the book
‘KHAZAAIN’ by Naraqui (RA). Quoting one of his reliable companions
it is mentioned that : We used to visit Isfajhan repeatedly during our
youth along with our father and other friends on the occasion of
Naurooz festival. Once on a Tuesday we went to see a friend when we
knew that he was not present. His house was near the graveyard. Since
we had arrived after a long journey, with an intention of removing fatigue and to visit the graves we went to qabaristan and sat there. One of
my friends jokingly pointed to a nearby grave and said : O resident of
the grave ! Today is Nauroooz. Would you not entertain us ? Suddenly
a voice came from that grave: Come next Tuesday at this place. All of
you will be my guests.
We all became frightened and imagined that we would not remain
alive beyond next Tuesday. So we engaged ourselves in settling and correcting our affairs and preparing our wills etc. But we found no sign of
death. When some hours of the following Tuesday passed, we gathered
and thought that we must go to that grave, surely this did not mean our
death. (Most probably this did not mean their death). When we reached
there one of us said : O the resident of this grave ! Fulfill your promise.
At that
time a voice came out: Come along. You are most welcome. (It
should be remembered here that sometimes Almighty Allah lifts up the
curtains over the grace life so that it might provide admonition). Suddenly the scene before us changed and we acquired a celestial power of
seeing. We saw a very very clean and green garden with pure water
streams flowing therein. There are trees laden with all kinds of fruits ;
that all types of birds are singing thereon. We entered a mansion along
with him which was very articulately decorated and all of its doors
opened to the garden in every direction. When we entered it we saw thata very handsome man is sitting there and a group of extremely beautiful
servants is serving him. When he saw us he got up… Then all kinds of
sweets and fruits which we had never seen in the world, rather never
imagined, came up before us. When we ate them we experienced an unprecedented pleasing tasted. The more we ate the more our appetite
grew and the things too did not decrease. Thereafter several kinds of
other sweets and fruits and other eatables were served to us all having
varying tastes.
We got up after an hour to see what else would happen. That fellow
accompanied us to the garden.
My father asked him as to who was he. “God has given you so
much property and means which would suffice even if you wanted to
host the whole world ! What place is this ? He replied : I am your countryman and a butcher from such and such place. My
Father enquired how he was able to win so much rewards and status?
He replied there are two reasons: During my business I have never
lessened weights and measures and also curing my whole life span I
never missed a prayer in its early time. Even if I had put meat in the balance when the voice of the caller ‘ ALLA O AKBAR” (GOD IS THE
GREATEST) struck my ears I stopped weighing and went to mosque for
performing namaaz prayer. Hence I got this high status after my death.
Last week when you had addressed me I did not have permission to
host you. I obtained it this week.
Thereafter everyone of us enquired about our life span and he went on
replying. One of the informations given by him was that he had told the
principal (muhtamim) of a religious school (madressa) that he would live
for more than ninety years and he is still alive and I was told that my
lifetime was this much out of which ten or fifteen years still remain.
We told him KHUDA HAFIZ (told him farewell), he escorted us and
when we intended to return we found ourselves sitting by the side of
that grave.