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Saqatul Islam has, in ‘Mustadrak’ narrated a story, in ‘Anwaarul
Maziyyah’ by a famous ship salim and Faqeeh Syed Gayaasuddin Najafi,
that according to his routine, the mosque Mutawlli (trustee) Muhammed
Ibne Abee Uzniyah, used to attend our masjid. He used t come there
froma village near Hillah. One day when he did not arrive as usual we
inquired about him. We were given to understand that he was bedridden in his home. We were astonished as he was quite healthy till the
previous day. We went to see him and saw that he was burnt from head
to feet and that was becoming unconscious for some time and gaining
consciousness for some time. I asked him: how this trouble fall on
you ? He said: Last night I was shown Pule Seraat (the terrible bridge in
the other world of hereafter) and I was also ordered to cross it. In the beginning it was right under my feet out thereafter it became very thin;
that it was soft and comfortable in the beginning out thereafter it became
sharp and pointed. I was inching cautiously forward and was trying
much to keep balance so that I might not fall down. Flames of fire wee
shooting upward from beneath its colour was black and people were
dropping in hell like the leaves in winter. At one moment found that the
width of the siraat was less than that of a nair. Suddenly the fire
dragged me down and I fall into its depths. The more I shook my hands
and feet the more I was crowning down. (Hellfire had tremendous
power of gravity and it is mentioned in Riwaayaat that the hellman goes
down upto the journey of 70 years). When I found that I am totally helpless it struck me that when I was falling down I was not saying ‘Yes
Ali!!!so I said: O Maula ! O Amirul Momineen ! Please come to my rescue. I got a revelation (ilhaam) to look upward. I was Aqaa standing on
the brink of the bridge. He extended his hand, held me by the waist and
dragged me up. I said: Aaqaa! I am burnt. Please help me. He drew his
blessed hand on my entire leg. I jumped and woke up to find that there
was no sensation of burning where Hazrat Ali (A) had put his blessed
hand and that part was healthy. But the rest of my body is still burning.
He remained bedridden for three months, crying and complaining.
People brought various kinds of balms and were changing doctors until,
after three months he became okay and fresh, flesh grew on his body. It
is also written in the same book ‘Mustadrak’ that after that event
whenever recalled it he was getting fever with trembling