Darmiyya praises Ali (a.s.) in Muawiyah’s presence

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Muawiyah had come to Mecca for Hajj and found about Darmiyya
Hujuniya who was famous for supporting Imam Ali (a.s.) and opposing
Muawiyah. Muawiyah was informed that she is alive and he summoned
her. He asked her: “Do you know why I called you? I want to know the
reason why you love Ali and hate me.” Darmiyya replied: “It is better that
you don’t ask me this question?” Muawiyah said: “You will have to reply
this question in any case.”
Darmiyya said: “Because Ali was the standard bearer of justice and
equity. You fought him without justification. I love Ali because he took
care of the poor. I hate you because you shed unlawful blood. You created
a rift among Muslims, gave unjust verdicts and fell a prey to your selfish
Muawiyah was ashamed to hear this and be became furious. He could not
control his anger and abused Darmiyya. Then he controlled his anger and
as usual told her politely, “Never mind, have you seen Ali yourself?”
Darmiyya: “Yes.”
Muawiyah: “How did you find him?”
Darmiyya: “By Allah, I saw him in a state such that he was not intoxicated
by kingdom like you are.”

Muawiyah asked: “Did you hear Ali’s voice?”
Darmiyya said: “Yes, I have heard him. His voice polishes the hearts and
removes turbidity from them as olive oil removes rust.”
Muawiyah asked: “Do you want anything?”
Darmiyya said: “Would you give me what I ask?”
Muawiyah replied: “Yes, why not?”
Darmiyya said: “1 want a hundred red-haired camels.”
Muawiyah said: “If 1 give you these camels, would you equate me with
Darmiyya said: “Never.”
Muawiyah ordered the wish of Darmiyya to be fulfilled. A hundred
camels were given to Darmiyya. Muawiyah said: “By Allah, if Ali had
been alive, he would not have given you even a single camel.”
Darmiyya said: “You are talking about one camel? I swear by Allah, Ali
would not have given me even a single camel hair because it is communal
property of Muslims.