“Can my repentance be accepted?”

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It is narrated that Hurr had overturned his shield in order to signal that he
was not coming to fight but to take refuge. The first personality to come
before Hurr was Imam Husain (a.s.). He was standing outside the camp
of his family members. Hurr came near and said; ‘‘Peace be upon you, O
Aba Abdillah!” and then said:
“Maula! I am a sinner. I was the first to commit the crime of blocking
your way.” Then Hurr prayed to the Almighty God:
“O Lord! Forgive my sins. I terrorized the hearts of your friends and
intimidated them.” (When the Ahle Bayt of Imam Husain (a.s.) saw
Hurt on their way for the first time, he was accompanied by one
thousand armed soldiers who blocked the Imam’s way. Therefore, it
was natural for them to get intimidated.)
“Maula! I have repented for my sins. The blackness of my face cannot be
washed off with anything except my blood. I have come to you to repent
after seeking your permission. However. Maula! First tell me whether my
repentance can be accepted?”
Imam Hussain (a.s.) did not care about himself but only and only about Allah. Thus
he replied: “Indeed your repentance will be accepted. How can your
repentance not be accepted? Has the door of divine mercy ever closed for
any repentant? Never!”

Biharul Anwar, Vol. 45, Pg. 13; Mausuat-e-Kalimat al-Imam
al-Husain, Pg. 437