Martyrdom of Jaun bin Abi Malik

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Imam Husain (a.s.) had reached certain companions during their last
moments or after their martyrdom in the battle of Kerbala. Among them,
it is certain about two companions that they were former slaves. They
were bought and later on emancipated. One of them was a Roman slave
and another Jaun, the Ethiopian, who was freed by His Eminence, Abu
Zar Ghiffari.
Apparently he did not leave the Ahle Bayt even after being freed and
continued to serve the family of the Prophet.
Jaun came to Imam Husain (a.s.) on Ashura day and said, “Master! Please
allow me also to go to the battlefield.” Imam (a.s.) said, “No, it is not
the time for you to leave this world. You should remain alive after this
battle also. Whatever service you rendered to our family is enough. We
are pleased with you.” Jaun insisted again but the Imam refused to permit.
Eventually, he fell at the Imam’s feet, kissed his feet and said, “Master! Do
not deprive me from martyrdom.” After that, Jaun made such a statement
that the Imam could not restrain him any longer.
Jaun said. “Master! I know why you are not allowing me. It is so because
I am such a lowly person that I do not deserve this honor. How can I
get the rank of martyrdom with my black skin, impure blood and smelly
Imam (a.s.) replied, “No Jaun, it is not so. The reason behind not
permitting you is not what you thought. If you really want to go, you
may go.” Jaun gave a wide smile on hearing this. He began to rock in joy,
recited the war poem and set out towards the battlefield happily. He
fought bravely and sacrificed his life on his master.
Imam Husain (a.s.) was watching Jaun’s fight. As soon as Jaun fell from
his horse, the Imam ran towards him and sat near his head. He prayed to
the Lord: “O Lord! Make his face bright in this world and the hereafter.
Change his body odor into sweet fragrance and resurrect him along with
holy men (It must be remembered that the rank of holy men is above the
rank of the pious). O Lord! Maintain friendship between him and the
progeny of Muhammad in the hereafter.”

Biharul Anwar, Vol. 45, Pg. 22; Maqtal-e-Husain, Muqarram, Pg. 252