Loyalty of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.)

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When Shimr bin Dhiljaushan was departing from Kufa for Kerbala, a
person in Ibne Ziyad’s court said, “Some of my maternal relatives have
accompanied Husain bin Ali. Hence I want you to write a letter of pardon
for them.” Eventually, Ibne Ziyad wrote a letter regarding them.
Shimr’s tribe also had a distant relation with the tribe of Ummul Banin
(s.a.). So he also obtained a letter of pardon from Ibne Ziyad and reached
Kerbala with this letter on the ninth of Muharram in the late afternoon
When his filthy one reached near Imam Husain’s (a.s.) camp he shouted,
“Where are the sons of my sister?”1 His Eminence, Abbas (a.s.) was sitting
near Imam Husain (a.s.) along with his brothers. None of them replied.
Then Imam Husain (a.s.) said, “Give him a reply even if though he may
be a transgressor.”
When Imam Husain (a.s.) gave permission, all of them replied, “What
are you trying to say?” He said, “I have brought good news for you. I have
brought a letter of pardon for you from the Governor, Ubaidullah Ibne
Ziyad. You are free. If you go away now, your lives will be saved.”
All of them replied in unison, “May Allah curse you, your Amir and the
letter of pardon that you have brought. Shall we leave our Imam and
brother only for the sake of saving our lives?”