Martydom of Hazrat Abbas a.s.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

According to one or two narrations, His Eminence, Abbas (a.s.) came
to Imam Husain (a.s.) on Ashura day and requested, “Brother dear!
Please allow me to go for Jihad. My chest is becoming straitened. I am
suffocating. I can control no more. I want to sacrifice myself on you as
soon as possible.” Who knows what was the exigency of Imam Husain
(a.s.) saying, “Brother! Go if you want, but make some arrangement
of water for the children.” Imam (a.s.) knows the reason better. His
Eminence, Abbas (a.s.) had already received the title of ‘the water-carrier
of the holy household’ (Saqqa-e-Haram) because he had brought water
for the children during the previous nights tearing through the enemy
ranks. [That is why he is also called Ghaazi (victorious)].
From the 7th of Muharram, the enemy had cut off water supply to the
progeny of the Prophet whose Kalima they recited. Anyway, in reply to
Imam Husain (a.s.) His Eminence, Abbas (a.s.) said: Your command is
Now see how amazing is the scene. What bravery it is! What valor! What
humanity! What a great honor! How great is divine recognition and
The lion of the lion of God attacked a huge army single-handed and drove
away four thousand soldiers guarding the river. (After driving them away)
he entered the water. (It is also mentioned in books that) first he filled his
water-bag and hung it on his shoulder while he is mounted on the horse.
The water surface is touching the horse’s belly. He is thirsty. It is extremely
hot. He has come after fighting a battle. Once he fills a cupped hand with
water and takes it to his lips. The enemy saw from far away that after
sometime he threw the water back into the Euphrates and came out of
the stream thirsty. No one understood why he did not drink the water.
However, when he came out of the river and recited the following war
poem, people came to know why he had not drunk the water:
“O self of Abbas! I do not want you to remain alive after Husain
has passed away. Husain is preparing to drink the cup of death in
thirst and you want to drink cool water? What kind of manliness is
it? What kind of love and affection is it? Isn’t Husain your Imam?
Aren’t you the follower of Husain? Aren’t you the obedient one
of Husain? By Allah, neither my religion permits me this nor my
loyalty can bear to see that Husain remains thirsty and I drink
Abbas (a.s.), the guardian of Imam Husain’s (a.s.) camp
When Abbas (a.s.) returned from the river, he changed his route. He had
come straight but now he was going through the oases because he was
carrying a precious thing with him. He was trying his best to take the
water to the camp anyhow and would not risk an arrow that may pierce
the water-bag and let all the water get wasted. Abbas (a.s.) was moving
forward with extreme care but suddenly something happened and he
cried out aloud:
“By Allah, Even if you have cut off my right hand, I would continue
to help my religion and the true Imam who is the grandson of the
pure and trustworthy prophet.”
After some moments, his war poem changed to the following lines:
“O self! Do not fear the infidels. Be happy for there is mercy of
the Omnipotent God and neighborhood of the Rightful Prophet
for you. What is there to worry even if enemies have cut off my left
hand also because of their cowardice?”
In this war poem. His Eminence, Abbas (a.s.) stated that his left hand
was also cut off. It is written that the water-carrier tried in every way to
save the water-bag. He turned it around very skillfully to the front and
bent upon it to save it from getting pierced. My tongue does not have the
power to narrate this painful incident. This scene is very moving and
makes one cry tears of blood.

Muntahaiul Amaal, Vol. 1, Pg. 687; Al-Abbas, Muqarram, Pg. 81; Damaus Sujum,
Pg. 176.