I wantto spend this night in supplications, worship and recitation of the HolyQuran.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Husain (a.s.) called His Eminence, Abbas (a.s.) and said, “Brother Abbas!

Take along some men with you and immediately go and ask if there is
some fresh news. If they intend to fight us, tell them that starting a battle
at sunset is against the rules of war (normally, Arabs used to start battles
in the morning and return to their camps at sunset). There is certainly
something new.” His Eminence. Abul Fazl al-Abbas (a.s.) took along some
senior companions including Zuhair bin Qayn and Habib Ibne Mazahir
to the enemy’s army and said, “I have been deputed by my brother
to know the reason behind this sudden attack.” Umar bin Saad said,
“Amir Ubaidullah Ibne Ziyad has ordered that your brother should pay
allegiance unconditionally lest we would fight.”7 His Eminence, Abbas
(a.s.) said, “Don’t be in a hurry. I cannot say anything on my own now. I
would go to Abu Abdillah and get a reply.”
His Eminence, Abbas (a.s.) returned and narrated the matter to Imam
(a.s.) who said, “I would not pay allegiance at any cost and would fight
with them till the last drop of blood remains in my body. Go to them
and if possible, postpone the war till tomorrow morning.”8 Imam Husain
(a.s.) did not want them to think that he wants to live for one more night
and hence, he said, “God knows better that I want one more night’s time
because I want to talk to God during the last night of my life. I want
to spend this night in supplications, worship and recitation of the Holy
His Eminence, Abbas (a.s.) conveyed the Imam’s reply to those people.
They were not ready to postpone the battle but later on, differences arose
among them. Some of them told others, “You all are very shameless.
Even if we had been fighting against infidels we would have given them
reprieve and you are not ready to give time to the progeny of the
Prophet?” Umar bin Saad was forced to end the dispute among his
officials. He said, “All right, the battle would start tomorrow morning.

Muntahaiul Amaal, Vol. 1, Pg. 625