Prophet Soleiman’s camp covered an area of a hundred Farsang by a hundred Farsang twenty five Farsang of which was devoted to the Jinns, twenty five Farsang to human beings, twenty five Farsang to birds and twenty five Farsang to other animals. Prophet Soleiman had a thousand houses made of glass built on wood. In these houses lived three hundred women and seven hundred slave girls. Jinns had woven for him a carpet of gold and silk in the middle of which lay a golden pulpit. Prophet Soleiman took his seat on the pulpit and there were six hundred thousand chairs of gold and silver. Prophets sat on the gold chair and scholars on silver ones surrounded by people and people surrounded by Jinns and satans. Birds would spread their wing to stop the harm of the sun. Zephyr carried all the equipment in a single day. It is said that wind was under Soleiman’s command at God’s will and no word was spoken which the wind did not carry to Soleiman. One day Soleiman passed by a farmer who said to himself: The son of David has a glorious rule. The wind carried it to Soleiman who was between heaven and the earth. Soleiman landed, went to the farmer and said: I have come to tell you not to wish anything over which you have no control. Then he said: One “Tasbeeh” of yours which is accepted by God is better than what He has given to the family of David. In another Hadith, we read: The reward of “Tasbeeh” will last for ever but the rule of Soleiman is doomed t perish.” Reference : Oddatud Daee
The Value of Tasbeeh
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