The AhlulBayt Ethical Role Models

Who is More Superior ?
Reading Time: < 1 minuteImam al-Baqir (a) narrated: Salman al-Farsi -the Persian- and Omar were among some companions who began mentioning their tribes and lineages proudly. Omar asked Salman: […]

Reading Time: < 1 minuteImam as-Sadiq (a) narrated: In al-Jirana, the Prophet (s) distributed the treasury among people. He gave every single individual who asked from him. As people […]

Good Morals Saves The Man
Reading Time: 2 minutesAli ibn al-Hussein (a) narrated: Amir ul-Mu’minin (a) went for facing the three individuals who had sworn by Lat and Uzza and took upon themselves the pledge of killing […]