Imam ‘Ali and the Public Treasury

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Shu’bi narrates: “Accompanying the other youths, I too entered the vast open ground of Kufah where I saw Amirul Mo’minin (as) holding a small whip in his hand and standing near two containers filled with gold and silver coins. He used the whip to keep back the huge crowd that had gathered whilst he was distributing the money.

The Imam (as) continued to distribute the money till there was nothing left for himself, and he returned home empty-handed at which point, I went home too.

“I have witnessed a very strange thing today and I fail to comprehend if this person’s act was good or bad, in that he never retained anything for himself!” I said to my father.

My father inquired as to what I was talking about. I narrated to him all that I had witnessed, whereupon my father, bursting out in tears, said to me: “Son, you have just watched the most excellent person from amongst all the people.” 5

Zadhan reports: “Qambar and I set off see Amirul Mo’minin (as). When we reached him, Qambar said: “O’ Amirul Mo’minin! Arise, for I have concealed a significant treasure for you.”

“What is the treasure?” inquired the Imam (as).

“Arise and accompany me in order that I show it to you,” insisted Qambar.

The Imam (as) got up and followed him into the house. Qambar brought out a linen bag, which was full of small sacs containing gold and silver coins.

“O’ Ali! I know that you distribute everything amongst the people and never retain anything for yourself and so, I have saved this especially for you!” said Qambar.

Imam (as) remarked, “I would have preferred you to set this house on fire and burn down everything.” As he said this, he struck the bag with his sword, causing the gold and silver coins to fall out. He then ordered us to distribute the coins among the people. After we had carried out his instructions, the Imam (as) said: “Bear witness that I have not taken anything for myself and have not been negligent with respect to the distribution of money amongst the Muslims. O’ Gold and Silver! Deceive someone other than ‘Ali. ( Dastan-hai Az Zindagi ‘Ali , Page 128; Nahjul Balagha (Ibn Abil Hadid), Volume 8, Page 181 )

Reference : Anecdotes for Reflection Part 2