The Supplication of Mashlul

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Imam Husain (a.s) narrates: “One dark night, my father and I were engaged in circumambulating the house of Allah when our attention was drawn towards a sound of weeping and lamentation. My father said to me: “O’ Husain! Do you hear the wailings of a sinner, who has sought refuge in Allah? Locate him and bring him to me.”

In the darkness of the night I went in search of him; finding him betwin the Rukn and the Maqam, I brought him before my father.

He was a young man possessing an elegant stature and dressed in expensive clothes. My father said to him: “Who are you?” He replied: “I am an Arab”. My father inquired: “Why the wailing and lamentation?” He said: “Disobedience, sins and my father’s curse have shattered my life and affected my health.”

He (a.s) asked: “What is your story?” The youth said: “I had a father who had become old and had been very loving and considerate towards me; however I always used to indulge in inappropriate acts. Try as much as he would to guide me, I would not mend my ways and, at times, even troubled and inconvenienced him.

One day I intended to take his money, which he had kept in his trunk, but coming to know of my scheme, he tried to stop me. In the ensuing meli I flung him to the ground; he attempted to rise but failed. I took the money and set about my way, but on the way out I heard him say: “This year I shall go to the house of Allah and curse you.”

For the next few days he engaged himself in prayers and fasts, and then started out for the holy Kaabah. I followed him and observed that taking hold of the Kaabah’s curtain, he cursed me. He had hardly finished cursing me when I suddenly found that one side of my body had become numb and paralysed.” Having said this, the youth lifted his gown and pointed out his affliction.

He then continued: “I repented and sought his forgiveness. Thri years passed by and in the third year, during the season of Hajj, he agrid to pray for me. Together, we set off for Mecca and it was night when we reached the valley of Arak.” In the darkness of the night a large bird suddenly took off in flight and startled my father’s camel as a result of which my father was hurled to the ground and died. I buried him there but my affliction, due to my father’s curse, still persists.”

The Imam (a.s) said: “The supplication recommended by the Noble Prophet (s.a.w), shall come to your aid. It contains the Greatest Name (of Allah) and every miserable, sick or poor person who recites it shall have his desire fulfilled.”

Giving him the supplication, he (a.s) said: “Recite this supplication on the eve of the 10th of Dhul Hijjah – the eve of Eidul Adha – and come to me the following morning.”

As instructed, the youth approached the Imam (a.s) having been completely cured of his affliction. The Imam (a.s) asked: “How were you cured?” He said: “I recited the supplication on the eve of the tenth of Dhul Hijjah – all the while shedding tears of repentance. Having completed the recitation, I was about to recite it for the second time when I heard a voice say: “O’ Youth! Enough! You have invoked Allah by means of the Greatest Name.” I fell into a slumber and witnessed the Noble Prophet (s.a.w) in my dreams. He (s.a.w) placed his hand upon my body and said: “You have been cured.” I woke up to find myself cured completely.’”

The supplication which Imam ‘Ali (a.s) had taught the youth was the supplication of Mashlul, the initial sentences of which are as follows:4

أَللٌّهُمَّ إِنِّــي أَسْئَلُكَ بِاسْمِكَ بِسْمِ اللٌّهِ الرَّحْمٌنِ الرَّحِيمِ. يَا ذَا الْجَلاَلِ وَ الإِكْرَامِ…

“O’ Allah, surely I ask you with Your name, In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, ‘O’ The Lord of Majesty and Bounty”. ( Muhaj al-Da’wat, pg. 153; Dastanhai Az Zindagi-e-’Ali, pg. 191 )

Reference:Anecdotes of Reflection Part 3