Extinguishing the Lamp

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Haarith says:

One night I was engaged in conversation with Amirul Mu’mineen (peace be upon him). As we talked, I said to him (peace be upon him): I am in need of something.

The Imam (peace be upon him) said: O’ Haarith! Do you regard me worthy of informing me of your need?

Of course O’ Ali: I said

When he heard this, the Imam (peace be upon him) suddenly rose from his place and extinguished the lamp; then, with great affection and compassion he sat down beside me and said: Do you know why I have extinguished the lamp? I have done this so that you can speak out all that is there in your heart without any kind of formality, and that I do not see the embarrassment upon your face.

Now speak out all that you desire to state for I have heard the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his holy progeny) say: “When the needs of a person are placed in the heart of another, they becomes a divine trust, which must be concealed from others; the one who conceals them, shall be given the rewards of worship.

But if they happen to be divulged, it befits all those who become aware of them to endeavour to fulfill them for the needy one.Baa Mardum In Guneh Barkhord Koneem, pg. 95; Wafi, vol. 6, pg. 59. ) 

Reference -Anecdotes for Reflection Part 4