Sublime Morality

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Ibn `Abbas reports: One day, the Holy Prophet was sitting in the mosque along with his companions when a Bedouin entered carrying a sword and a lizard in his lap and shouting, “O Muhammad! You are a sorcerer as well as a liar!” The companions wanted to kill him but the Holy Prophet stopped them. Turning to the Bedouin, he said, “O Arab brother! Who are you looking for?” The man said, “I am after Muhammad, the sorcerer and liar.” The Holy Prophet said, “I am Muhammad but I am neither sorcerer nor liar. Rather I am Allah’s Messenger.” The Bedouin said, “I swear by idols that were it not for your dignity I would have killed you with this sword. I swear by Lat that I will not believe you unless this lizard believes you.” The Holy Prophet said, “O lizard! Who am I?” The lizard said, “You are Allah’s Messenger.” 

With this, the heart of the Bedouin was  illuminated with the light of faith so he truthfully testified to the oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of Muhammad. He further said, “O Allah’s Messenger! When I entered this mosque there was no man more hostile than me to you and now there is no one loves you more than I do.” (Manhaj al-Sadiqin: 370/9)

Reference: Ahlalbayt TheCelestial Beings On The Earth