The Covenant of Fudhul

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Twenty years before the Noble Prophet’s (s.a.w) proclamation of Prophethood and at a time when he (s.a.w) was exactly twenty years of age, an incident transpired as follows: One day, a person from the tribe of Bani Zubaid sold some goods to ‘as Ibn Wail. ‘as took possession of the goods but refused to pay him the money for it. In desperation, the man climbed atop the mountain of Abu Qubais and shouted: “O’ People! Rush to the help of an oppressed one, who happens to be far from his tribe and relatives. Surely, reverence befits one, who possesses integrity, whereas there is no esteem for a cheat.”

The people, who were around the Kabah, were inspired and motivated by this speech and so a group, consisting of some individuals from various tribes, gathered in the house of ‘Abdullah Ibn Juda’an and made a pact amongst themselves to provide assistance to the oppressed ones and prevent anyone from being oppressed in Mecca. The Noble Prophet (s.a.w) too was a party to this agreement. Later, all of them set out and handed the person his money.

Years later, after the Noble Prophet (s.a.w) had proclaimed his Prophethood, he (s.a.w) said: “In the house of ‘Abdullah Ibn Juda’an I had participated in a covenant such that had I been invited to the like of it in Islam, I would have surely accepted.”( Dastan-ha-e-Zindagi-e-Payambar, pg, 36; Tabaqat al-Kubra, vol. 1, pg. 128 ) 

Reference:Anecdotes of Reflection Part 3