Umme Khalid

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 Shaikh Kulaini, quotes Abu Baseer as saying that, Once he was seated in the presence of Imam Ja’far-as-Sadiq (a.s.), when Umme Khalid binte Ma’badiyyah came and told the Imam (a.s.) that she had got a disease, and the doctor had prescribed for her a medicine which was a type of liquor. She told the Imam (a.s.) that since she knew the prohibition of its use, she had come to the Imam (a.s.) to take advice 

regarding it. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) asked her,

“What stopped you from using it”?

She said that being one of his devout followers, she wished to be saved from shame and on the day of 

Qiyamat if she be questioned about it she could reply that its use (or prohibition) was ordered to her by the Imam (a.s.) himself. The Imam (a.s.) turned towards me and said,

“O Abu Muhammad! (referred to Abu Baseer), do you pay heed to what this woman says”?

Then Imam Sadiq (a.s.) answered,

“By Allah I never give you permission to consume even a drop of it, for if you do so, you shall have to regret when your spirit reaches here.”

And Imam (a.s.) pointed towards his neck and repeated the sentence thrice, and took the woman’s assurance that she had understood it well.

Reference:Manazelul Akherah Shk Abbas Qummi (ra)