Reliance in Allah

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Prophet of Allah (S) has said,’ On the Night of Meraj, while I was passing through the Sidrat al Muntahaand looked at its branches and leaves, I noticed that from some leaves udders were hanging and milk was oozing from them. Honey dripped from some leaves and oil from some others. From certain other leaves flour and fruits of different types were the ground. From some branches rich raiments were hanging. I thought from where all these things are coming. At that time Jibrael was not with me that I could ask him for an explation for these things. I was, at that time, beyond the jurisdiction where Jibrael was permitted to go!. Then Allah communicated to me, ‘O Muhammad (S)! I have grown these things at the elevated place with the purpose of providing sustenance to your children! Tell the fathers of the sons that they should not be disheartened at their penury. As I have given birth to them, so shall I provide them their sustenance! Reference :Ain-Al Hayat, The Essence of Life