Seek Only from Allah

Reading Time: 2 minutes

 Mohammad Ibne Ajlan who was in straits as a result of problems in his life says :

  I was living in severe destitution.  I had no one to help me either.  I had heavy debt and the creditor insisted on him claims.  I decided to go to Hassan Ibne Zeid who was the Emir of Medina and knew me very well.  On the way, my cousin, Mohammad Ibne Abdullah, the grandchild of Imam Ali Ibne Hussein (AS) saw me.  He took my hand saying: I know what you are going to do.  Tell me to whom are you going for help?   I said: Hassan Ibne Zeid.  He said: If you go to him, your needs will not be met.  You should rather go to One who has the power to do it, and He is the God who is the Most Generous.  Then set your hope on Him, for, I heard from my cousin, Imam Ja-far Sadeq (AS) and he from his grandfathers and the Holy Prophet (SAW) as saying:

 One of the revelations God sent to one of His Messengers was the following: By My Glory! Whoever sets his hope on anyone but Me.  I will turn his hope into despair and I will cover him with garment of disgrace and deprive him of My grace and generosity.”

“Has My servant set his hope on others in hardships?  Has he set his hope on others while tribulations are in My hand and I am the Independent One in whose hand lies keys to all doors and the door of My house is open to whoever calls upon Me.”

“Don’t you know that if a tribulation afflicts a person, no one but Me can remove it?  So why should I see him turning away from Me.  Due to My Generosity, I gave him things he had not even asked for.  Nevertheless, he turned to others in hardships, asking other for help and turned away from Me!”

“I am Allah who gave to people before being asked.  How shall I not give when I am asked.  Nay, is generosity not especially for Me?  Aren’t the world and the Hereafter in My hand?  If all the inhabitants of the earth and seven heavens ask Me and I fulfill all their desires, nothing will be reduced from My kingdom, for I am its Guardian.”

“Therefore woe to one who rebels against Me and does not preserve Me.”

  I told Mohammad Ibne Abdullah to repeat this Hadith three times and he did so.  Then I said: No, by God! From now on I will never ask anyone for help.  Soon God increased my sustenance from His hidden treasure.

Reference : Oddatud Daee