Surely the Day of Decision is a Day Appointed

Reading Time: 1 minute

 Hakam Ibne Marwan reports on the authority of Jobair Ibne Habib that a problem had come up for Omar who could not solve.  He turned to Mohajereen saying: What is your opinion?   They said: O Ameeralmomenin! You are the authority! Are you asking us?    Omar was embarrassed and said: “O you who believe! He careful of Allah and speak the right word.”  By God both you and I know who can solve this problem.     They said: You mean Ali Ibne Abi Talib?  He said: Why didn’t people refer to him for solving their problem and came to me?  Has any woman ever given birth to a son like him?    They said: Send for him.  Omar sighed and said: He is a great man of Bani Hashem tribe, a close associate of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and the extention of his knowledge.  Go and bring him here.  People rushed to the imam and found him busy hoeing in a garden while reciting verses 36-38 of the Quranic Chapter, the Resurrection,:

“Does man think that he is to be left to wander without an aim?  Was he not a small seed in the seminal elements, then he was a clot of blood, so He created (him) then made (him) perfect.”   The Imam was reciting those verses while tears were running from his eyes.  Seeing this, people started to weep too.  When they calmed down, Omar asked his question and the Imam answered it. Then Omar twisted his hands and said: God has chosen you but what shall I do that these people did not accept you.  The Imam said:  “O Omar, lower your voice”,

then recited verse 17 of the Quranic Chapter, the Great Event,:  

 “Surely the day of decision is a day appointed.” Omar returned while his face had become dark like night.  

Reference : Oddatud Daee