Hazrat Mahdi (atfs) introduced in Meraj

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said :  when I was taken to the heavens Jibraeel recited the Azan and Iqamah and said to me twice: “O Muhammad, go ahead and lead the prayers.” I asked: “O Jibraeel shall I take precedence over you?” He replied: “Yes, because the Almighty Allah has given precedence to all prophets over angels and given you precedence on all creatures.”

So I stood in front of him and led the prayer. But I don’t say this in pride. From there I reached to the curtains of light and Jibraeel said: “O Messenger of Allah (S), go ahead.” And he stopped there. I said: “Are you leaving me alone at this juncture?” He said: “O Messenger of Allah (S), it is the last point I have access to, if I go ahead, my wings will burn out.”

So I was immersed in the ocean of light and I began to swim in the divine lights till I reached the point that the Almighty Allah wanted me to reach. Then a call from the high said: “O Muhammad, You are My servant and I am your Lord. Worship Me and rely on Me. Indeed you are My Noor among My servants, My Prophet among My creatures, My proof among My servants; and I have created Paradise for those who obey you and created Hellfire for those who disobey you and for your legatees, I have made my bestowals and miracles obligatory.

And for their Shias I have made divine rewards compulsory. I said: “O Lord, show my legatees to me.” He said: “Your legatees are those whose names are inscribed on the leg of My Throne.” When I looked, I saw twelve lights on the leg of Arsh and in each Noor I saw a green line in which the name of each legatee was mentioned. The first of them was Ali and the last, Mahdi. I asked: “My Lord, would they be my legatees after me?”

“Yes, O Muhammad, after you they shall be My friends, legatees and proof on the creatures. And they are your legatees and successors. And after you they are the best of the creatures. By my honor and majesty, I shall express My religion through them and exalt my Word through them. And through their last purify the earth of My enemies. And give the whole world into his control.

Give the wind under his control and make the hard cloud obedient to him so that he may ride it anywhere he likes in the sky and the earth. Help him through my armies and strengthen him through My angels. So much so that My call should be raised and all the creatures gather on my Oneness. And after My friends one after the other I will make as the leader of My faith. So his rulership will continue till Judgment Day.”

Reference:Hayat Al-Qulub Vol. 2