Some Anecdotes of Hazrat Musa (as)

Reading Time: 8 minutes

According to the same source it is mentioned in this hadith that Musa asked Allah, “Let me know the time of early decline of the sun.” The Almighty ordained an angel to inform Musa everyday. So one day that angel told Musa that the time of decline of the sun has arrived.” Musa asked, “When?” The angel said, “Exactly when I told you, but by the time you made this inquiry the sun had already traveled a distance of five hundred years (westward).”

According to authentic hadith Imam as-Sadiq said, “Once Musa got a revelation from Allah that a certain person from among his friends was backbiting him and conveying his words to his enemies so he should keep away from him. Musa said, ‘My Lord! When I do not know him, how can I keep away from him? So let me know who he is.’ The Lord said, ‘I described the evil of his slander and now you want me to backbite about him too?’ Musa said, ‘My Lord! What should I do then?’ The Lord said, ‘Select ten persons from your companions, then make groups of ten from your men and draw lots. The lot will appear in the name of the group in which that person is. Then draw again a lot from among that group and it will expose that man. When that man saw that Musa was drawing lots and that he was about to be disgraced he arose and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! It was I who did this deed. I will not do so again.’”

It is noted in another authentic hadith that Musa saw a man under the throne of Allah and asked, “My Lord! Who is this person whom you have kept so near to You? So near that you gave him a place under Your throne.” Allah replied, “This man was not cursed by his parents nor did he envy people because of the things I gave them by My Grace.”

According to a reliable narration Imam as-Sadiq said, “The Almighty conversed with Musa telling him that he should not incline towards the world like oppressors nor like the one who had made worldly things his parents. If I leave you, you will surely be attracted towards worldly adornments. O Musa! Leave those worldly things that you do not need and do not look at those who love the world. I have left them. And know that the seed of all troubles is the love of this world. Do you want to be like the one who is liked by masses until you know that I am also pleased with him? And do not long for the position of the man who is being obeyed by people unjustly because he is the cause of his followers’ destruction.”

It is narrated in another reliable tradition from Imam al-Baqir that Musa prayed to Allah, “My Lord! Who among Your slaves is most disliked by you and who you consider your worst enemy? The Lord replied, “The one who drops down in his bed at night like a dead body and passes his day in senseless things.” Musa asked: What is the reward of one who visits a sick fellow? Allah replied, “I appoint an angel to give him company in his grave until he is resurrected.” He asked: My Lord! What is the reward of one who bathes a dead body? Allah replied, “I make him as clean of sins as he was at birth.” He asked: My Lord! What is the reward of one who attends a funeral procession? Allah replied, “I appoint some angels for him bearing flags so that they will escort him in the Field of Reckoning (Mahshar).” Musa asked: My Lord! What is the reward of one who condoles the death of a child? Allah replied, “I will give him a place under the Divine Throne on the day when there will be no shade except that of the Divine Throne.”

According to a reliable tradition Imam as-Sadiq said, “Once on his way to work Musa passed by a man praying to Allah with raised hands towards the sky. When he returned by the same way after seven days he saw that that man was still in the same position, praying and weeping.” Allah said, “O Musa! Even if this man goes on praying until his tongue drops down, I will not accept his supplication until and unless he does not come to Me the way I want him to come. That is, he must love and follow you.” That man wanted to worship Allah in a way other than following the teachings of Musa.

It is mentioned in a reliable tradition through the same source that once when Musa went to Mount Toor he took with him one of his pious companions. He made him sit at the foot of the mountain and he proceeded to the top and began talking with his Lord. When he returned he saw that that man was torn into pieces by a wild beast which had eaten up his face. Allah revealed to Musa that that man had committed a sin against Me and I desired that when he returns to Me no sin should remain with him so I took him thus from the world.

It is mentioned in a reliable tradition of Imam al-Baqir that Allah revealed to Musa, “Sometimes it so happens that a slave of mine seeks My nearness with a single good deed and I issue orders that he may be given a place of his choice in Paradise.” Musa inquired about that good deed. Allah replied, “To undertake a journey for the sake of his brother in faith.”

Reliable sources quote Imam al-Baqir that once Musa asked his Lord, “My Lord! Who among your creations do you consider as your worst enemy?” The Almighty said, “The one who makes allegations against Me.” Musa asked, “My Lord! Is there anyone among Your creation who makes allegations against You?” The Lord replied, “Yes, the man who asks something from Me and I decide only that which is in his interest, but as he is not pleased with it he makes allegations against Me.”

It is mentioned in a true hadith that Imam as-Sadiq said, “It is written in Torah that: O Son of Adam! Make yourself available for My worship setting aside your worldly affairs so that I may fill up your heart with My fear. Otherwise, I will fill up your heart with worldly engagements and will leave you to run after the world and then your need will never be satisfied.

It is recorded in reliable sources that Imam al-Baqir said, “Divine Revelation was stopped for thirty days for Musa bin ‘Imran. So one evening he went to Mount Areeha and said, My Lord! Why have you stopped talking with me and discontinued your revelation? Is it because of any sin that I have committed? So now, I am standing before You. Punish me until You become pleased with me. If you have stopped your revelations due to the sins of The Israelites then I beseech pardon for them. Almighty revealed to him: O Musa! Do you know why I have selected you from among My entire creation for My talks and revelations? Musa said, “My Lord! I do not know it.” Allah said, “O Musa! My knowledge has covered the entire creation. I did not find among them anyone whose humility before Me was more than yours. So I reserved you for My talks and Revelations.” Thereafter whenever Musa prayed he did not rise from the prayer mat until he rubbed the right and left of his face on the ground.

It is reported from the holy Prophet that it was written on the tablets: Thank Me and your parents so that I may protect you from calamities and troubles which cause your destruction and so that I may lengthen your life and keep you alive with a better living and may grant you a life which will be much better after this earthly life. It is mentioned with authentic evidences that The Grand Names consists of seventy-three letters out of which Allah sent four letters on Musa.

It is mentioned in an authentic hadith from Imam as-Sadiq that it is written in Torah: O Son of Adam! Remember Me whenever you are angry with anyone so that I may remember you when I am angry. Then I may not destroy you with those people who I want to destroy. Whenever someone oppresses you leave its retaliation thinking of Me because My revenge is better than yours.

In another hadith the Prophet of Allah said that Allah revealed to Musa, “O Son of ‘Imran! Do not envy what I have given from My Grace to others and do not look at it with a tempting eye because he who does not remain pleased with what I have distributed among my slaves and becomes envious of it does not remain happy, rather it comes in the way of the right distribution which I have made. Such a person is not Mine nor am I his.”

It is recorded from Imam al-Baqir that The Israelites complained to Musa that many among us have become lepers. The Almighty revealed to Musa: Ask them to eat cow’s meat with beetroot. It is mentioned in a reliable tradition from Imam as-Sadiq that it is mentioned in Torah: Thank the one who gives you good things and reward the one who thanks you because there is no decline of bounties when they are thanked for. And they do not last when not thanked for and an increase in thanksgiving causes protection from calamities. It is mentioned in authentic hadith from the same Imam that it is written in Torah that if anyone sells any land with water and in exchange does not purchase land and water then its price becomes unlawful and it gives no profit.

It is mentioned in another narration that Musa visited a city of The Israelites where he saw that rich men wearing clothes made of canvas (sackcloth) were standing and throwing dust on their heads and weeping profusely. Tears were rolling down their cheeks. Musa felt pity on them. He himself also wept in sympathy and prayed to Allah, “O My Lord! These people are in the progeny of Ya‘qub who has taken shelter in You like a dove takes shelter in its nest and are crying like the sheep and are barking like dogs.” The Lord revealed, “Why are they doing this; perhaps in their view the treasure of My mercy has emptied or My wealth has ended or I am not the Most Merciful! Tell them that I know what is in their hearts. Though they are calling Me their hearts are not inclined towards Me but towards the world.”

It is mentioned in another authentic hadith that one day Musa was giving a sermon to his companions when suddenly a man got up and tore his clothes. Allah revealed to Musa, “Ask him to tear his heart and weed out from it whatever I do not like. What is the use of tearing his clothes?” One day Musa passed by one of his companions in Sajdah. When Musa returned after finishing his business he saw that that man was still prostrating. Musa told him, “Had it been in my power I would have fulfilled your demand.” Allah revealed, “O Musa! Even if this man prolongs his prostration until his neck breaks, I will not accept his prayer unless he gives up what I do not like and inclines towards what I like.”22

Death of Musa and Harun

It is recorded in reliable sources from Imam al-Baqir that Musa prayed to Allah, “Of course I rest content on what You have decided and distributed. Do not kill an aged person, let alone a child.” The Lord replied, “O Musa! Are you not happy that I am the provider of provisions and I am the maintainer?” Musa submitted, “My Lord! I am happy; doubtlessly You are the Best Caretaker and the Best Maintainer.”

Imam as-Sadiq said that one day Musa went to Mount Toor with Harun. On the way, they saw a house. There was a tree at its door. Before that, they had neither seen that house nor the tree. Two clothes hung on that tree and there was a couch in that house. Musa asked Harun, “Remove your clothes and wear these, then enter this house and sleep on the couch.” Harun complied with the order. When he slept on the couch, Allah seized the soul of Harun, and that couch and that house went up in the sky. Musa returned to The Israelites and informed them that Almighty Allah had seized the life of Harun and called him up in the heavens. The Israelites said, “You are lying. You killed him because we loved him and because he was kind towards us.” Musa complained to Allah about the allegation made against him by The Israelites. The Almighty commanded and two angels lowered the couch with Harun from the heavens and kept it hanging between earth and heavens until The Israelites saw and were convinced that he had died and that Musa did not kill him. According to another hadith (narration) Harun spoke up from the couch and said, I have died my death and Musa did not kill me.

It is mentioned in another hadith that the bereaved can tear off his collar while mourning one’s father or brother as Musa had torn his collar at the death of Harun. According to a reliable tradition Imam al-Ridha said that Musa asked Allah, “My Lord! My brother has died so forgive him. Allah revealed to Musa, “O Musa! if you wish Me to forgive all those who have died and also who are yet to die I will pardon all of them except the killers of Husayn bin ‘Ali; from whom I will take revenge.”

Reference: Hayat Al-Qulub, Vol. 1, Stories of the Prophets