Allah softened iron for H. Dawood (as) due to Ali (as)

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It is mentioned in Manaqib Ibne Shahr Ashob that some people
have narrated from Khalid bin Walid that:

I saw Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) repairing the links of his coat of mail with his bare hands.

I asked: Softening of the iron was for Dawood (a.s.)?

His Eminence replied: “It was due to us that Almighty Allah softened iron for His Eminence Dawood (a.s.).

[Don’t you think] what our position should be?!”

It is mentioned in another report that he wrapped the iron sword
around the neck of Khalid (Mustadrak Safeena, vol. 2,)

Isbaatul Wilayah (Part One) – Ayatullah AliNamazi Shahroodi (r.a.)