“Can you enliven the dead and cure the born blind?”

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The great scholar, Saffar, in Basair (Part 6, Chap. 3), has
narrated from Abu Basir that he said:
I went to Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) and Imam Ja’far Sadiq
(a.s.) and asked: “Are you the heirs of His Eminence, the Messenger
of Allah (s.a.w.a.)?” “Yes,” they replied.
Abu Basir says: I asked: “Is the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.)
heir of all prophets and possessed all their sciences and perfections?”
“Yes,” they said. So I asked: “Can you enliven the dead and cure the
born blind?” They replied: “Yes, by the permission of God.”
Thus, [one of the Imams] said: “Come here.” I went to His
Eminence. He passed his hand over my eyes and face. I was able to
see and I saw the sun, sky, earth, house and everything present in the
house. Then he said: “If you want, you can be seeing and your
accounting would be upon you; if you do good, you will get its
reward; if you do evil, you will be punished for the same. Or [if you
want] you can revert to your former condition of blindness and your
reward shall be Paradise?”
Abu Basir says that he requested: “Return me to my previous
condition.” Again, Imam (a.s.) passed his hand on my eyes and I
reverted to my previous condition.
Ali bin Hakam says: “I narrated this tradition to Ibne Abi
Umair. He said: I testify that this is truth, like a bright day and there
is no doubt in it.”

Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 46, p. 237.

Isbaatul Wilayah (Part One) – Ayatullah AliNamazi Shahroodi (r.a.)