Imams Hasan & Husayn (pbuh) were both unwell. When the
Prophet (pbuh) learnt of this he suggested to Imam Ali (pbuh)
to make a ‘nadhr’ of fasting for three days on the recovery of
the children.
Accordingly, the whole house of Fatima (pbuh) fasted. i.e.
Imam Ali (pbuh), Sayyida Fatima (pbuh), Imam Hasan (pbuh),
Imam Husayn (pbuh) and Fizza.
Just as they were seated for iftaar on the first day of fasting
there was a knock on the door and a man cried out: “O
Ahlulbayt of the Prophet! I am a poor man, hungry with
nothing to eat. Please feed me!”
Imam Ali (pbuh) opened the door and all five of them gave
away their iftaar of bread that Sayyida Fatima (pbuh) had
prepared. They broke their fast only with water and that night
they went to sleep hungry.
The next day at iftaar an orphan knocked on the door requesting
food. The house of Fatima (pbuh) gave away their iftaar
and once again broke their fast with water.
The third day a prisoner knocked on the door at iftaar time
requesting food. Once again they gave away all their bread
and did iftaar with water.
The Prophet (pbuh) on hearing this came to the house of
Sayyida Fatima (pbuh) and raised his hands in dua.
Jibrail came with some food from Janna for the family and
brought the revelation of Suratud Dahr.
Excellent Stories Vol 1