Miracles of Ziyarat e Ashura – 12) Help from a mysterious source

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The renowned scholar Sayyed Sadiq Ruhani narrates:

An honourable aged man comes to me and in the course of our conversation always reveals some prophecies. By some strange coincidence, his prophecy used to always materialize in the future.

Finally, my curiosity got the better of me, and one day asked, ‘What is the basis for your prophecies? How do you manage to forecast with such accuracy?’

He replied: A very old person comes to meet me regularly and reveals all these prophecies to me. One day that person himself disclosed, ‘Do you know why I disclose these prophecies to you? It is because you regularly recite the Ziyarat of Sayyedush Shohada Imam Husayn (a.s.)’

Then that aged man who used to come to Sayyed Sadiq Ruhani disclosed, ‘I wake up in the middle of the night, face the qibla and recite Ziyarat Ashura with 100 repetitions of curses and salams.’

Miracles of Ziyarat e Ashura – P.E.T Publications