“Reza is my Imam and the Imam of everything.”

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Author of Tafseer Burhan has narrated from the book of Tabari
Imami, through his chains of narrators from the eighth Imam, Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) that ten persons came to His Eminence to discussed
the matter of Imamate with the Imam.

They heard things under the feet of the Imam speak up:

“His Eminence, Reza is my Imam and theImam of everything.”

Also, when they came to the Masjid, they heard the walls and
woods speaking to His Eminence and saluting him (Madinatul Maajiz, p. 476.)

Isbaatul Wilayah (Part One) – Ayatullah AliNamazi Shahroodi (r.a.)